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New preview website of LEGO Dino launched.New preview website of LEGO Dino launched.

There is new section opened at LEGO.com. It is dedicated to LEGO Dino series that is scheduled to release at 2012 . At the moment it is just a preview site...


Открылся новый раздел вебсайта LEGO посвященный серии DinoОткрылся новый раздел вебсайта LEGO посвященный серии Dino

На официальном сайте LEGO открылся новый раздел посвященный серии LEGO Dino, выходящей в 2012 году. Пока что в данном разделе мало что есть ...


LEGO Universe will be closed in 2012LEGO Universe will be closed in 2012

Today, on 4th November, The LEGO Group (TLG) officially announced closure of LEGO® Universe MMORPG at 31 January 2012. Fans are resenting, but vice-president of "LEGO Universe", Jesper Vilstrup, openly declared...


Mega Bloks World of Warcraft sets at Blizzcon 2011Mega Bloks World of Warcraft sets at Blizzcon 2011

Blizzcon has ended, so we could know find out some new information about upcoming MEGA BLOKS World of Warcraft sets. Sets is scheduled to be on shelves at Summer 2012.


10th issue of Railbricks is out10th issue of Railbricks is out

10th issue of the free e-magazine about LEGO trains and everything that on rails has been released. Main theme of this Railbricks issue is events. Because most of them takes place in summer-fall In this issue you will find out......


Доступен 10 номер журнала RailbricksДоступен 10 номер журнала Railbricks

Вышел 10 номер популярного журнала о LEGO поездах Railbricks. Этот номер посвящен выставкам и конференциям, как никак большинство из них происходит как раз летом-осенью. В этом номере вас ждут...


Наборы Mega Bloks по World of Warcraft на Blizzcon 2011Наборы Mega Bloks по World of Warcraft на Blizzcon 2011

Blizzcon завершился, поэтому несколько новостей о так ожидаемых наборах MEGA BLOKS по World of Warcraft. Наборы появятся в продаже летом 2012 года.


Review of official LEGO iPhone App - LEGO MinifiguresReview of official LEGO iPhone App - LEGO Minifigures

LEGO is not going to be behind everybody, os it very carefully looks at world trends, and it wasn't a surprise that they came up with diffent iOS apps. Today we will review not very new application, but it doesn't make it worse, so here it is - LEGO Minifigures. My first impression was slightly negative, but after looking carefully it has switched to positive one, because in this app you can feel LEGO spirit....


Обзор официального приложения для iPhone - LEGO MinifiguresОбзор официального приложения для iPhone - LEGO Minifigures

В последнее время LEGO пытается не отстать от мировых трендов, и выпускает приложения для iOS. Но речь пойдет не о чем то новом, а о старом добром приложении LEGO Minifigures. Мое первое впечатление было несколько негативным, но через некоторое время оно сменилось на противоположное, потому что в этом приложении чувствуется дух LEGO...


Mini Collector Iphone App for minifig catalogizationMini Collector Iphone App for minifig catalogization

What makes every LEGO fan crazy? Yeah, you're right it's minifigures. And what's the most different minifigure series? It is the Collectable Minifigures. This app will help you to reveal the contents of the packs and track your collection. But there is always a fly in the ointment. Want to know more?


Quick look at Hero Factory Iphone app by DC ComicsQuick look at Hero Factory Iphone app by DC Comics

When i saw Hero Factory app at the AppStore i thought - it must be LEGO Hero related game like the ones on official LEGO Site, but i've mistaken. I realized this than i saw the category Comics and developer - DC Comics. So here you will see a short review of the LEGO Hero Factory app from DC Comics.


Приложение для iPhone - Mini CollectorПриложение для iPhone - Mini Collector

Что заставляет сходить с ума толпы фанатов LEGO? Правильно, минифигурки. И вот перед вами одна из программ, которая должна вам помочь отслеживать ваши коллекционные минифиги. Встречайте Mini Collector от Better than Tomorrow.


Немного впечатлений от приложения для iPhone - Hero Factory от DC ComicsНемного впечатлений от приложения для iPhone - Hero Factory от DC Comics

Увидев в AppStore'е приложение Hero Factory, я подумал, что игры с сайта Lego пришли и на iPhone, но, увидев раздел Comics, задумался. Взглянув на производителя, я обнаружил известное всем название - DC Comics. Что же, давайте посмотрим, что интересного разработали для любителей LEGO Hero Factory программисты DC Comics.


Moshi Monsters licensed by MegaBloksMoshi Monsters licensed by MegaBloks

In my opinion MegaBloks are getting too much licences for computer games. It is not bad, but they have great stand-alone series, may be it will be better to may more attention to them? So what am i talking about. Moshi Monsters sets will be released by MegaBrands. Moshi Monsters is popular online game for children with nearly 50 millions of users...


Moshi Monsters очередная лицензия у Mega BloksMoshi Monsters очередная лицензия у Mega Bloks

В последнее время MegaBloks увлеклась лицензиями на вселенные, связанные с компьютерными играми. На этот раз под их крыло перешли Moshi Monsters. Moshi Monsters - достаточно популярная зарубежная детская онлайн-игра с порядка 50 миллионов пользователей...


K`Nex Mario Kart Wii series continues, 13 more sets released.K`Nex Mario Kart Wii series continues, 13 more sets released.

Thirteen new Mario based sets are available on K`Nex website. Colorful sets are great for games, but not so good for MOCs. But the main purpose of Mario is game ...


Mega Bloks and Blizzard: first preview - Battlecruiser set and Thrall microfigureMega Bloks and Blizzard: first preview - Battlecruiser set and Thrall microfigure

After a tedious waiting we know have news from Mega Bloks about their new series based on Blizzard Games. So meet the Starcraft Battlecruiser and World of Warcraft exclusice Thrall micro action figure.


Maschinen Krieger Starfighter ContestMaschinen Krieger Starfighter Contest   Черновик

Contest will be going from August 1, 2011 to October 1, 2011 The Maschinen Krieger universe has to have some the coolest and most unique sci-fi designs out there. The original designs by Kow Yokoyama have inspired countless fan-made creations. The beauty of the whole aesthetic is the integration of so many different genres, and it is this unique mix of sources that gives the MaK tech such a brilliant look. However, there is one thing that is not overly prominent, and that is starfighters. Therefore my challenge to all of you, is to design a starfighter in the unique MaK aesthetic. www.maschinenkrueger.com www.maschinenkrueger.com/forum/index.php/ www.q-net.net.au/~nipngnwm/ www.flickr.com/groups/ma-k/ sf3d0.tripod.com/ The RULES are pretty simple: 1. Make it look like it belongs in the MaK universe 2. Must be a starfighter (same rules as the group: no frigates, corvettes etc.) 3. Must be mini-fig scale. It doesn’t have to have a pilot (a lot the Strahl units are autonomous), but it does have to be to that scale 4. Custom stickers/parts, clones brands etc are all permitted (MaK is after all, all about kit-bashing) 5. Must be a new design 6. 2 entries per person (in case anyone wants to do both a Merc & Strahl unit :) 7. Submit a single photo of the model to the contest thread in the Starfighters Group 8. Contest Timeline is August 1, 2011 to October 1, 2011 PRIZES: 1st Place - $75.00 Bricklink Coupon 2nd Place - $50.00 Bricklink Coupon 3rd Place - $25.00 Bricklink Coupon


9th issue of Railbricks is out9th issue of Railbricks is out

9th issue of the free e-magazine about LEGO trains and everything that on rails has been released. Main theme of this Railbricks issue is trams. In this issue you will find out...


Доступен 9 номер журнала RailbricksДоступен 9 номер журнала Railbricks

Вышел 9 номер популярного журнала о LEGO поездах Railbricks. Основная тема номера - трамваи. В этом номере вас ждут...


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