Список минифигурок пользователя artlego
LEGO cas327 Fantasy Era - Skeleton Warrior 1, Black 3 x cas327
LEGO cas328 Fantasy Era - Skeleton Warrior 2, White 2 x cas328
LEGO cas329 Fantasy Era - Skeleton Warrior 3, White, Speckled Helmet 3 x cas329
LEGO cas330 Fantasy Era - Skeleton Warrior 4, White, Black Breastplate and Helmet, Dark Red Hips and Black Legs 1 x cas330
LEGO cas335 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Plain with Breastplate, Helmet with Visor, Curly Eyebrows and Goatee, Dark Bluish Gray Hips and Legs 1 x cas335
LEGO cas336 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Scale Mail with Chest Strap, Helmet with Broad Brim, Smirk and Stubble Beard 1 x cas336
LEGO cas337 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Scale Mail with Crown, Helmet with Neck Protector, Scowl 1 x cas337
LEGO cas338 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Scale Mail with Crown, Helmet with Neck Protector, Scar Across Lip 2 x cas338
LEGO cas339 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Scale Mail with Crown, Helmet with Neck Protector, Vertical Cheek Lines 1 x cas339
LEGO cas340 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Plain with Breastplate, Grille Helmet, Vertical Cheek Lines 1 x cas340
LEGO cas341 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Scale Mail with Crown, Helmet with Neck Protector, Dual Sided Head 1 x cas341
LEGO cas354 Fantasy Era - Dwarf, Black Beard, Metallic Silver Helmet with Studded Bands, Dark Blue Arms 1 x cas354
LEGO cas355 Fantasy Era - Dwarf, Dark Brown Beard, Copper Helmet with Studded Bands, Sand Blue Arms, Vertical Cheek Lines 1 x cas355
LEGO cas356 Fantasy Era - Dwarf, Dark Brown Beard, Metallic Gold Helmet with Wings, Dark Red Arms, Smirk and Stubble Beard 1 x cas356
LEGO cas357 Fantasy Era - Dwarf, Dark Orange Beard, Metallic Silver Helmet with Wings, Dark Red Arms 1 x cas357
LEGO cas358 Fantasy Era - Troll, Dark Tan 1 x cas358
LEGO cas359 Fantasy Era - Troll Warrior 1 (Orc) 2 x cas359
LEGO cas364 Fantasy Era - Troll, Sand Green with 5 White Horns 1 x cas364
LEGO cas365 Fantasy Era - Troll Warrior 2 (Orc) 1 x cas365
LEGO cas366 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Quarters, Helmet with Neck Protector, Black Messy Hair and Stubble 1 x cas366
LEGO cas367 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Quarters, Helmet with Neck Protector, 3 Spots under Left Eye 1 x cas367
LEGO cas368 Fantasy Era - Troll Warrior 3 (Orc) 2 x cas368
LEGO cas374 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Scale Mail with Chest Strap, Helmet with Broad Brim, Dual Sided Head, Light Bluish Gray Legs, Quiver 1 x cas374
LEGO cas375 Fantasy Era - Troll Warrior 5 (Orc) 1 x cas375
LEGO cas378 Fantasy Era - Skeleton Warrior 6, White, Black Hood and Cape 1 x cas378
LEGO cas403a Fantasy Era - Jester (Dual Sided Head) 1 x cas403a
LEGO cas415 Fantasy Era - Gold Knight 1 x cas415
LEGO cas416 Fantasy Era - Crown Queen 1 x cas416
LEGO cas417 Fantasy Era - Crown Knight Scale Mail with Chest Strap, Helmet with Neck Protector, Crooked Smile 1 x cas417