Список минифиг

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Артикул Название Год
cty1537 cty1537 Custom Car Garage Driver - Female, Dark Turquoise Jacket, Black Legs, Dark Turquoise Ball Cap

Town-> City-> Traffic
cty1538 cty1538 Custom Car Garage Mechanic - Male, Medium Blue Shirt with Octan Logo, Medium Blue Legs, Short Black Hair

Town-> City-> Traffic
cty1539 cty1539 Custom Car Garage Mechanic - Female, Sand Blue Vest, Medium Blue Legs, Black Helmet, Magenta Welding Visor

Town-> City-> Traffic
cty1540 cty1540 Gaming Tournament Participant - Female, Orange T-Shirt with Fist, Magenta Legs, Magenta Hair

Town-> City-> Traffic
cty1541 cty1541 Gaming Tournament Participant - Male, Dark Azure T-Shirt with Sword, Blue Legs, Dark Azure Hair

Town-> City-> Traffic
cty1542 cty1542 Gaming Tournament Spectator - Female, Dark Green Hoodie with Bright Green Drawstrings, White Legs, Dark Orange Hair

Town-> City-> Traffic
cty1543 cty1543 Gaming Tournament Announcer - Male, Lime T-Shirt with Gaming Logo, Dark Bluish Gray Legs, Black Hair

Town-> City-> Traffic
cty1544 cty1544 Fire - Female, Black Jacket and Legs with Reflective Stripes and Red Collar, Neon Yellow Fire Helmet, Trans-Black Visor, Black Glasses

Town-> City-> Fire
cty1545 cty1545 Fire - Female, Black Jacket and Legs with Reflective Stripes and Red Collar, Neon Yellow Fire Helmet, Trans-Black Visor, Scared Open Mouth with Teeth

Town-> City-> Fire
cty1546 cty1546 Fire - Male, Flat Silver Suit, White Fire Helmet, Trans-Black Visor, Breathing Neck Gear with Blue Air Tanks

Town-> City-> Fire
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