Список минифиг

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Артикул Название Год
cty0782 cty0782 City Bus Passenger - Bright Light Blue Hoodie, Medium Lavender Short Legs, Dark Brown Hair Ponytail Long with Side Bangs, Freckles

Town-> City
cty0783 cty0783 City Bus Passenger - Female Jacket Open with Number '8' on Back, Sand Blue Legs, Medium Dark Flesh Hair Ponytail, Peach Lips

Town-> City
cty0784 cty0784 City Newsstand Worker - Female Outline Sweatshirt with Zipper, Light Bluish Gray Legs, Reddish Brown Hair with Bun, Glasses

Town-> City
cty0785 cty0785 City Bus Passenger - Dark Azure Hoodie with Green Striped Shirt, Red Legs, Light Bluish Gray Sports Helmet

Town-> City
cty0786 cty0786 City Newsstand Visitor - Medium Dark Flesh Argyle Sweater, Dark Red Legs, Light Bluish Gray Hair

Town-> City
cty0787 cty0787 City Bus Driver - Dark Blue Suit with Train Logo, Dark Tan Short Tousled Hair, Beard

Town-> City
cty0788 cty0788 City Jungle Scientist - White Lab Coat with Test Tubes, Dark Blue Legs, Black Ruffled Hair

Town-> City-> Jungle
cty0789 cty0789 City Jungle Scientist - White Lab Coat with Test Tubes, Dark Blue Legs, Black Smooth Hair

Town-> City-> Jungle
cty0790 cty0790 City Jungle Explorer - Dark Orange Jacket with Pouches, Dark Blue Legs, Dark Tan Cap with Hole, Cheek Scuff

Town-> City-> Jungle
cty0791 cty0791 City Jungle Explorer Female - Dark Orange Shirt with Green Strap, Dark Blue Legs, Reddish Brown Ponytail and Swept Sideways Fringe

Town-> City-> Jungle
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